Volunteers in Policing

The Lyon County Sheriff's Office utilizes our Volunteers in Policing (VIPs) to assist the community by providing non-emergency law enforcement services including traffic control, VIN verifications, and the service of civil papers.
If you're interested in becoming a VIP volunteer for the LCSO, please fill out a VIP application by CLICKING HERE and submitting the application to your local substation.
Questions? Contact one of the following VIP Contacts:
VIP Program Manager: Sgt Nathan Cooper (ncooper@lyon-county.org)
VIP Coordinator: Mike Navin (lcsov30@gmail.com)
To Donate to the VIPs visit your local substation or Donate Online by reading the directions below and CLICK HERE
Donation Directions:
1. Click Search (Located Under Make a Payment)
2. Search 4179
3. Select Lyon County Sheriff's Office- Sheriff's Fees
4. Verify Correct then select Pay this Destination
5. Enter Your Payment Information
6. For Type of Payment Select Volunteers in Policy
7. ***IMPORTANT*** In the Notes Section Please Enter VIP Donation
8. Select Continue and you have submitted your donation